Saturday, January 16, 2010

Some old-school inspiration

Yes, one of these women is me.
I'm on the right, in the pink and white swimsuit.
The other two fabulous women are my dear friends C and H.

This was taken around 1990-1991,
when I was around 20-21 and in college.
We lived during the summers in Dewey Beach, Delaware -
we shared a house with 16 girls,
worked at a restaurant during the evenings,
and pretty much did what you us doing here -
all day long, every day.
Good times. Great times.
In fact, of what I can remember,
those days are some of my most favorite memories.
(You don't think it's water in those cups, do you?)

I posted this picture because: LOOK HOW SKINNY I AM!

Can I be that skinny ever again?

I think yes.
(That's a little more confident than
I really feel, but I'm trying to be positive here)

I didn't post a weigh in this week for the usual reasons -
I didn't lose weight.
After 5 exercise classes, 4 thirty minute runs,
drinking 80 ounces of water a day,
only having 2 sodas after the course of the week,
eating weight control oatmeal every day
and packing my lunch for work,

Frustrating? Absolutely. Discouraging? No.

I know it isn't going to happen overnight
I have to remain consistent.

So, I will weigh in this Monday and post the truth -
no matter how frustrated I may be.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Weigh In #1 (of 2010)

OK, here's my first weigh in of 2010.

Starting weight: 168 pounds
Goal weight: 130 pounds
Current weight: 168 pounds
Pounds lost (gained) this week: fresh start
Total pounds lost (gained): fresh start
Pounds left to lose: 38
Workouts: lots planned!

So it's 168. I actually thought it would be more, since I ate a massive amount of chocolate chip cookies, and did NOTHING as far as exercise over the holiday break.

Today I got up at 5:30 and ran for 30 minutes, and I'm planning on going to Zumba class at lunchtime.

I've packed my breakfast, lunch AND snacks for work, and brought a huge water bottle. Hopefully this will keep me away from the cafeteria, where they sell delicious fountain soda.

Have a great week!

A New Year, a New Me

Are you still visiting here? Bless your heart. Thanks for coming back, and for sticking with me.

Sometimes I go away (usually because I'm on a shame spiral), but eventually I come back. Kind of like cockroaches.

Anyway, it's a NEW YEAR. And I've got new motivation:


Yes, 40.

And I am most unhappy with the way I look- that's the bad news.


Like I posted on my other blog, I'm not going to obsess about what I DIDN'T do in the past.

I'm going to focus on what I did accomplish over the past year, such as:
  • Regularly going to fitness classes
  • Regularly going to the gym at work
  • Participating in pedometer contests at work (often was named top performer for my team!)
  • Going to my health club when I can
  • Running regularly on my treadmill at home
  • I ran four 5k races, improving my time with each one
  • I had periods of time where I gave up soda
  • I did a lot of yoga, which was great for my stress level, sleep habits, and flexibility
  • I read some great books about health/weight loss: Fighting Fat After Forty, Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? and others
  • I purchased a book to read in the new year: The Zen of Eating and Eating Mindfully
  • I tried new healthy recipes
Looking over all that, I did come along way last year, since prior to 2009, I really wasn't doing any of these things.

All this did wonders for my stress level. My muscles and heart are stronger from the consistent exercise.

Unfortunately, with all I accomplished above, I did not accomplish ANY weight loss. In fact, I GAINED weight.

But I refuse to try another diet. I've done them all, and have eventually rebelled against them all. I don't do well with restriction and rules. But I know I can't continue the crap food free for all. But I'm going to try some things that I hope evolve into habits:
  • Pack my lunch for work often (controlling portions as well as costs)
  • Eat less meat
  • Eat more fruits/vegetables
  • Be aware of portion sizes and try to reduce them without obsessing
  • Drink less soda, more water/tea
  • Commit to planning ahead to cook healthy meals for my family
  • Continue challenging myself with exercise
  • Run consistently in the mornings before work
  • Continue running races, 5k's and maybe even a 5-miler or 10k
  • Read The Zen of Eating and Eating Mindfully
  • Stop obsessing over the small stuff
I hope these things will push the scale downward. Speaking of the scale, the weekly weigh-ins are back - starting MONDAY.

Enjoy the rest of your week and visit again soon!