Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Review: Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga DVD

Right around the holidays I purchased the Biggest Loser: Weight Loss Yoga DVD at Borders. It costs around $12. I love yoga, and I was intrigued by the claim that you can actually lose weight doing yoga. Mr. is a skeptic. I think he thinks yoga is for wimps - it's just a little stretching, so how can that help you lose weight?

The liner notes assure you pound-shedding results from use over just 6-8 weeks. They say you will gain balance and strength as you lengthen and lean your entire body. That would work for me!

The DVD has a user friendly menu; you can pick from the following options:
  • Warm up (5 min)
  • Level 1 (20 min)
  • Level 2 (15 min)
  • Level 3 (10 min)
  • Cool down (5 minutes)

And there's even a music-only option (as apposed to music and instruction from trainer Bob from the TV show). I like being able to choose the options for the entire workout in the beginning, rather than reaching for the remote control to choose the next segment.

I did this DVD for the first time this weekend. I sat our 5-month old in her swing while I did it, she giggled throughout the workout as she watched me. I'm sure I did look pretty funny doing it. I chose the Warm up, Level 1, and Cool down, so it was a full 30 minutes.

It was HARD, but not so hard that I couldn't do it. My legs felt like jello afterwards, and I was sweating. Yes, sweating. And 2 days later, I'm still sore all over - legs, butt, abs, arms - everywhere I want to be sore. It definitely works out all your major muscle groups.

I liked the video - it was easy to follow, and the normal-to-larger sized people doing the workout with Bob (I think they are contestants from the show) inspired me - I thought if they can do it, so can I. Bob the trainer was OK - mildly annoying, but not so much that I wanted to turn it off. He did a great job of explaining the proper form for each pose. It was a little tough sometimes to look up at the TV during a pose to see what's next, but I figure I'd be doing the same thing during a real yoga class.

Once I get the hang of it, I may try the music only option. I did use some of the suggested easier modifications (like during the "plank") but hope to work up to the real thing. I also liked the time frame - I can usually find 20-30 minutes in a day for a workout. (If I can't, I'm sure there are lame excuses involved.)

Afterwards, I felt great - very relaxed. That's my favorite part of yoga - it melts the stress away. And, like always when I do yoga, I slept like a baby that night. So, this DVD gets two thumbs up from me. I plan to alternate it with cardio at my gym at work, and hope to report back shortly that yes, indeed, yoga helps you lose weight!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's really great info... soon i'll get this DVD, and reducing the weight via yoga is to safe way.
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